Options. 3 is structure and as you can see from the sign or (signs) there is much to choose from, but there is often a big difference from what we need as opposed to what we want.
Hmm... The environment agency on the way was showing signs of administration problems.
I don't know what this was about but this building didn't make me feel protected.
I thought at this point I wasn't meant to make it to London and just across the street I would start to begin to understand why and accept it in a positive light and message.
So....across the street was the Model Motor Sport Club of Aldershot. I thought I was going to find a hitch here and actually I did but not physically mentally.
Ab is a really photogenic guy after all! Ab in is essence. Thank you Ab.
History if you are interested in the Barn where Ab has his workshops.
France and Germany...been there....if you haven't.....it's nothing at all like Aldershot, but great PR whoever put these signs up!
A stormy blossom filled day or what. The pictures tell the story.
This was a billboard at my last hitch which returned me directly back to Farnham. I think it has a lot of different meanings considering the story I just told about this travel. Anybody can travel physically, sometimes we even get to travel mentally at the same time, and some times we metamorphasize while following our "root". The last person who took me back to Farnham was a nice gentleman who like my first ride understood chivalry, something we don't see or experience much of these days. To both of you I take my hat off and bow with all humbleness. Keep your heart bright. Stay tuned more journey will be coming soon to heart near you.
4.5=Love points to change!