Saturday, 11 April 2009

How to Structure (3) an Eco-System

Eco-Structure and or scientifically Ecosystem
By Jack T. Pennington

1. Bio-Waste = Earth and anything that belongs to her.
2. Be Creative = One mans treasure is another man’s garbage.
3. Logic//Ask//Knowledge = If you don’t know the goes where ask somebody.
4. Love = Love what you consume and love the waste that comes from it.
5. Glass/ Metals/ Paper (Separate them)
6. Reflection = anything that reflects light can always be re-used.
7. Dust-any = If it’s dirty clean it then bin it.
8. Root/ Heavy objects = Heavy objects can always be used for something constructive.
9. Control the inner-chi (energy) = Take your time; the garbage will come back to you sooner or later.

For Businesses and Organizations the following infrastructure can be implemented.
Three groups of four people and work force that works swiftly and efficiently 12 sustainable waste controllers.

The three groups are broken down into
1. Being creative with waste.
2. Separate poisons and or destructive materials as they can only poison the planet either in the recycling process or carbon footprint thereof.
3. Share your garbage implies that you should sort the recyclables according to their 9-point structure listed above.

For domestic and or individual purposes the following alternative independent solution is as follows:

Reflection is the most important structure in healing. In order to heal there are six points that help us reflect on the time we spend consuming vs. the time we have to sort out our waste (because if you are reading this you need to sort it). Get six bins all labeled as follows:

1. Glass
2. Paper
3. Metals
4. Destructs – Destructs is a word that is nasty and we call it right now LANDFILL but the fact of the matter is that in order to recycle any of the material we have to introduce poison back onto the planet. (Onto = in = grammar of the planet)
5. Earth/ Bio Waste 
6. Paper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you say : knowledge transforms actions...You r making a real apprasial job for saving the nature ..That s great!

But these wonderful ideas about ecology must be more developed,heard and multiplied..Then the purpose can become a real.According to me this way that trying to teach the people by website is not good enough.

It does make sound but not as it must been.

So my question is ""that you have any other idea to bring this ideoloji in real life and make actions for the planet Earth?? I mean organising some seminaries in order to educate people from every ages,publishing some brochures,translating your ideas in several languages,(in order to make it international),etc..""

""Daily,Monthly or weekly activities ,first for the surrounding areas then for the other cities and eventually for the other countries, then It can make a real sense so we can really bring it in our life.""

If you ask to people everybody can say that we love to save the nature but when it comes to the actions we are not a part of this world and this is not our problem.

We know that every single of us is a circle in the chain , a part of it so we must Cooperate for our world.

Thanks again & congratulations
